Tuesday, July 31, 2012

LPE Executive Board Meeting Minutes:

Tuesday, July 31st, 2012


  • Opening group discussion about board member's Fall schedule, email Jennifer. 
  • Proposal of a recruitment script to ensure smooth, welcoming opening for possible recruitment. LPE members are the foundation of the club, need to encourage new-comers and retain current members. Make this a fun, lively, engaging club for all.
4:40 pm:
  • Fundraising opportunities: Types of fundraisers the club can use. Pros/Cons.
4:47 pm:
  • Community service projects: Food drive around Thanksgiving with a focus on needy families, Toy drive around Christmas with a focus on needy children. Introducing ourselves to the faculty and making announcements in every communication's class to spread the word. 
  • Possibly making the toy drive school-wide, inviting other honors clubs to join and taking the idea to ASI for approval/ support.
  • Looking into battered women's shelters and other possible children's organizations.
  • Linking with other LPE's (UCI, USC, ect) to do charity events with them as well.
5 pm: 
  • Organized and decorated LPE's board in the Music Building. 

  • Meeting adjourned. Adjustments still need to be made on board, coming together very nicely.

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