Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Meeting Minutes 5/29/20123

Meeting Minutes 

Weds, May 29th

Introduction from Benjamin from Papermache.
Papermache is a beta program designed to help connect undergrad work through an interactive academic site. Social cloud storage of your research papers that help curate professional resumes with your actual work. Further your curiosity, spend more time on message content. Upload your graded papers and share them with other academics. Special features include automatic citation, comment sections and academic credit to those from whom citations are drawn from. "Better information on campus".

Graduation Ceremony updates:
White boards were passed out, templates will be emailed shortly. Please fill in the information and turn in no later than Friday, June 7th to our executive office located on the second floor of the Student University Union in the Student Organization Offices (Directly above Starbucks). On your board, paste an 8 X 10 professional photo and your completed template along with the 4 black corner markers.

Graduation Events:
Itinerary/Program overview
Cocktail hour will be from 6 - 7:30pm, 6 - 7pm Wacky Photo Booth
7:30 ceremony begins.
CASH bar. 
Each student has a one minute time period to give a shout-out/say thank you as they receive their cords, please be prepared.
Key note speaker: Any suggestions???

Araceli pitches her "Senior Prank" idea:
To shed more positive attention to CSULA, LPE will spearhead a flash mob-like group on the metro from Chinatown to CSULA's campus with President Masks and positive quotes from various presidents throughout history building on the idea that CSULA has a new president. We would like to get 500+seniors involved. 

Cap & Gown Disbursement and New LPE Executive Board inquiries.

4:00- Meeting ended.