Sunday, November 21, 2010


Hey y'all!!!


When: TUESDAY, Nov. 23, 2010 from 11am-3pm
Where: (same location as last time) walkway @ KING HALL

Join us at our second and last bake sale of the fall quarter! We hope to see you there! If you are able to help table or contribute in anyway, please email Lambda Pi Eta officers at


When: TUESDAY, Nov. 30, 2010-6-9pm
What: Shakey's Pizza Night Fundraiser!
Where: 2234 W. Valley Blvd Alhambra, CA 91803 Tel. 626-289-7851

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Meeting #4

Meeting #4 is on Tuesday, November 16, 2010 @3:30 pm, MUS108!
This is the LAST meeting of the quarter! We hope to see you there! Important topics and events will be discussed and decided on that day! Also, a SPECIAL presentation workshop by the CAREER CENTER will be held that focuses on RESUME WRITING!!!! Take advantage of these helpful tips and learn valuable skills that you will soon need!

At this meeting, we will:
-Set Winter Bake sale Dates
-Set Winter Events and Dates
-Estimate grad ceremony attendance
-Collect membership fees!*
-Watch a 30-minute workshop on "How to Write a Resume"

*MEMBERSHIP FEES: It is very important that you bring your membership fees to this meeting, especially graduating SENIORS! It will help gives us an idea on what our budget looks like. However, if you don't have them, please come to the meeting anyway!!! We want to see you!

Reminder on Fees:
-$10.00 for general members
-$40.00 for graduating seniors that include your national recognition plaque, $30.00, (for those eligible) and your cords, which are $10.00.

We hope to see you there, as this is our LAST meeting of the fall quarter!!!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Meeting #3: Minutes

Here are the minutes for Meeting #3: Tuesday, November 2nd, 2010

She recorded the minutes for me because I was unable to attend.

Lambda Pi Eta Meeting #3: 11/2/2010- Minutes

Start Time: 3:37PM
End Time: 4:00PM

-November 2nd: today is voting day

-Thank you for those who participated in Rock the Vote!
-Thank you Pepper (for performing at Rock the Vote)!

-Can food drive starting today!
-Accepting can/box food (nonperishable) for Lambda Nov. 2nd-18th “Flight Angels” organization (help homeless youth)

-2nd BAKESALE, Tuesday Nov 23rd
-Need volunteers for event (11am-3pm) “Meal Deal For Real”

-Shakey’s Night Tuesday Nov. 30th
(6-9pm) all set in stone!
-Need to participate, tell friends/family, all receipts must be turned in to Shakey’s

-Last week Jewlz and Jose went to see about having the graduation celebration dinner at the Golden Eagle Ballrooms 1&2
-There will be a charge for tickets
-Haven’t finalized anything yet
-Can be a dinner, quick meal, ceremony, reception, circle tables or theatre style, buffet, and maybe h’orderves.
-It can be really fancy or lower budget depending upon resources available at that time.
-Planning on maximum 300 people
-Need to decide: How much food and other saleable items should cost.
-Reservation of ballrooms is free (for students)
-Estimated Base Price for a plate of food and entry: $20 per person
-They charge for a dance floor.
-They have a menu (Jewlz has this)

-We will have a “performance hour” next quarter (U-SU)
-Karaoke & movie night being planned (by the union)
-We can do a survey on Facebook (about time availabilities of members)
-She will send an email asking what movie we want to watch & a sign up sheet for the Bakesale
-Starlet: working on events
-We need someone to work on a flyer for the Bakesale on Nov. 23rd including date, time, where, meal deal (Ashley will work on this)

-ASAP: bring in dues/fees (secretary: $10 general $40 seniors)

-She needs to add the conditions for being a member of Lambda finalized and check back with committee in Washington for more information.
-Announcements: we need people to help hand out flyers for can food drive. We have 100, will be getting more. (flyer in classrooms, bathrooms, cars, etc)

-Works at 30 “CB After Dark” karaoke bar (on main between first and Garfield near the theatre)
-There is happy hour from 7-9pm
-If Lambda wants to come to karaoke & happy hour, she will give us the first round of drinks free.