Monday, October 25, 2010

Meeting #2: Minutes

MEETING #2: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 (MINUTES)

3:24pm: Meeting begins

2 events coming up:
1. “Rock the Vote”-12-4pm with ASI in front of USU, Nov.1st
L.P.E. will run it, need volunteers
-live bands and djs featured
-getting people to vote on Tuesday

2. Canned Food Drive by Capstone for a Homeless shelter for Youth
-November 2nd – 18th
-make announcements in classes
-Lambda decorated boxes in King Hall, the Library, Comm. Building…
-sign-in sheet going around

-$10 general member
-ASAP please
-Seniors who want National Recognition-$30.00 + $10.00 = $40.00

1 more bake sale…
-try to get funding from ASI for future bake sale.
-Jewlz and Melissa will attend a meeting on Friday
-next sale: the week before thanksgiving, Tues the 23rd, 11am-3pm
-talk to Starbucks about getting donated coffee
-Tuesday’s are agreed by majority for bake sales

-Graduation on campus or off campus??
-On-campus graduation ceremony: Golden Eagle Ballroom?

Mixer @ Shakey’s Pizza off Valley blvd.
November 30th

Study Hall during L.P.E. meetings
Jose introduces new segment during the general meetings
-focused towards the further growth of our understanding of communication
-open forum, poetry slam, story to tell, rant, homework help, idea for papers, practice a group presentation, power points, study groups
-mentor program, suggested by Star

-Committees gather to discuss

Next Lambda Meeting is on November 2nd @ 3:30pm

Meeting ends @ 4:15pm

Friday, October 22, 2010

Bake Sale #1

A big huge THANKS to all of you who came out to support us @ our first bake sale fundraiser of the year! An even bigger THANKS to those of you who volunteered your time and/or baked goods to support Lambda Pi Eta!!! With your help and support in donations, tabling, and just spreading the word, the bake sale was a success, one of many that we hope for.

For our next event, Lambda Pi Eta will collaborate with ASI for "ROCK the VOTE" which will be held on Monday, November 1, 2010 from 12pm-4pm in front of the University Student Union.

Volunteers are needed to table at this event so please email to sign up (if you haven't already signed up)! We would really appreciate your help to promote Lambda Pi Eta and encourage students to vote on the important November 2nd election.

Check back for more updates or visit us on

See you soon!

Michelle I.
L.P.E. Secretary

P.S. The Minutes for Meeting #2 will be posted soon.

MEETING #2: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 (MINUTES)

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Our 1st Meeting

A big THANKS to all of you who showed up to our first meeting last Tuesday!! We appreciate your interest and involvement in Lambda Pi Eta and we look forward to seeing you @ our meeting and events!

Another big THANK YOU to all our volunteers who worked our table at Fall Student Fest last Thursday!!!

If you missed our first meeting, no worries! The minutes of meeting #1 are posted below (at the end of this blog). We will also be having our second meeting on Tuesday, October 19th from 3:30pm-4:15pm in MUS108. We hope to see you there!

Also, join us for cookie, pastries, cupcakes and other goodies@ our first bake sale fundraiser of the year, the same day as our meeting: Tuesday, October 19th from 11am-3pm @ the King Hall Walkway!

P.S. Just a friendly reminder:
For those of you who signed up to volunteer at our bake sale, please make sure to check your email for updates and reminders.

Also, the minutes for meeting#1 are posted below!

See y'all soon!

~Michelle I.
LPE Secretary

L.P.E. General Meeting #1: October 5, 2010

3:30 pm
: Meeting Commences-Introduction of board members

-Brief history of the board-Jose
-founded by Stephen A. Smith in 1996
-What is an honor society?-elite group, cream of the crop to be a part of
-Why join?
-Networking, support, teach each other, better learning experiences, opportunities- internship & career opportunities.
-great on your resumes, great for graduate schools, grad ceremony

GPA requirements to join- Star
-Cumulative GPA-3.0, Communication GPA.- 3.2---both needed for national recognition. --If you don’t have these GPA’s, you can be in the society as an honorary member.
-You won’t be nationally recognized but you’ll be an honorary member who receives 1cord, instead of 2 at graduation.
-Either way, no matter what type of member you are, it looks great on your resume.
-There is a national database that has job listings, and career
-It looks good when you’re trying to apply to grad school-Melissa
-Dr. Chao and Dr. Bai are LPE advisers


$10- Freshman, Sophomores, Juniors.
$10-Seniors for cords and no national recognition
$40-Seniors who want national recognition and will get a plaque + 2 cords at graduation
-You may bring your dues next meeting time or as soon as you can, we understand some may be unable to pa right away and are willing to work with you.
-for $40 you’ll get a plaque + cords (30 +10)
-We will be fundraising for our events and whatever is left over will go to the incoming board-junior class.

NETWORKING committees—Star’s committee
-network w/in the school and with other chapters
Melissa-head of TREASURY committee
-in charge of money, ordering cords, etc


GRAD & MEMORIES committee--Julie and Jose
-Planning grad
-Photos of events

Elizabeth-(not present) is the EVENTS planning committee
-she will be in charge of planning events

-Upcoming Events:

Oct.7th-Student Fall Fest @ the USU plaza
-Volunteers needed to sit at the table to advertise
-free food at this event

1st fundraiser- Oct .19-- Tuesday Bake sale
-volunteers needed to table
-Sign up sheet passed around
-volunteers for baked good, money donations
-pizza and drinks ?

Shakey’s Mixer on a Thursday or Wednesday-Star in charge of planning

-We need members help to plan stuff and be a part f our events through participation and volunteering.

-Is there a Minimum of hrs needed to volunteer? Asks a student
-no requirement needed …just yet. We can decide as a group if we want to set a requirement.
-we can do volunteer hrs for points

3:45 pm
Interested in being a board member in the next year-Jewlz
-volunteer and participate often!

3:46pm- Melissa
-don’t fall behind in school just to participate because members do need a high GPA especially if you want to be a board member.

Mixer at a club?
-student mentions NBC opportunity as an event.

Michelle mentions an opportunity of being a member:
-Stephen A. Smith Award –submit a communication papers online by Feb. 18, 2011, (25 page limits) and possibly be nationally recognized at the Communications Convention and win a prize of $100 plus national recognition.


-Next meeting will be after the bake sale on Tuesday the 19th same room MUS108 3:15pm

-word of mouth is important for getting our name out!…speak about it in classes, tell your friends!
-member involvement important!
-ideas welcome

-we can do stuff with other CSU campuses
-we can collaborate with other organizations on campus
Possible events include:
-open mic night
-movie nights
-communication week
-"finesse de la nui"-college of arts celebration
-beach day
-promote academic excellence so some academic events
-alcohol at grad ceremony and some events


We need your help!! -Jose

Questions and Comments:

- What’s the point of the events?
- fundraising for events
-Events can include:
-community service
-food drive, clothes drive
-fashions shows
-collaboration with FMLA


-taking the experience with you
-Jewlz and Michelle will work on a portfolio to be able to do this

Contact US:
-email address, blogspot, contact us. Check for events, Facebook.
Ice breaker-who are u?
Board members introduce themselves with major and an interesting fact.

4:05pm –members state majors and interesting facts.
4:15pm: Meeting finishes finished.


Today was our first general meeting. We introduced the new board to attendees. We gave a brief history of L.P.E. and the benefits of joining. We discussed GPA requirements and the two types of membership that are offered, as well as fees. We introduced the committees and explained the purpose of each. We stressed the importance of becoming part of committee and just being involved as a member through event planning, attendance, involvement and volunteerism. We mentioned our upcoming events: Student Fall Fest and our first Bake Sale and passed around a sign up sheet for volunteers. We announced the upcoming mixer that is being planned and other event possibilities that we would like to carry out this school year. Opportunities for being a member were offered such as the Stephen A Smith award. Finally, we left room for Question and comments and finished meeting with an ice breaker.